Sunday 4 May 2014

Marc Jacobs Sneakers: My Saviour In Paris

I have been so fortunately vacationing in Paris with my parents this past week and it was absolutely everything I hoped it would be. Busy streets, good food, and beautiful buildings. We were there for eight days, and unfortunately, that meant eight days of walking for long periods of time. I am not such a fan of walking; I much prefer to be dancing or sitting. Walking, running, and standing aren't exactly my forte's. However, be that as it may, my dislike did not change the fact that I would spend my days exploring the ancient streets of Paris for up to five hours on foot.

I for one am a fan of some nice sturdy heeled boots. Comfy enough for short periods of time, plus, they make your legs look and feel super long and sexy (especially when paired with some nice flare jeans). But I do realize that they don't do as well with the practicality factor.

Right before we left for Paris, my mother and I took a trip down to Holt Renfrew in Vancouver to use up a gift card she had. We ended up purchasing a pair of Marc Jacobs sneakers for an excellent deal; with the added discount of the large gift card, we only ended up paying close to $25 for them. It was an absolute steal. I wore them down to breakfast on my first morning in Paris thinking that I would just wear them on the short trip down to the grocery store and back to the apartment. Give them a bit of a test run. They felt so excellent that eight hours later, after breakfast, and a long tour of the city from my Paris-map-educated father, I had completely forgotten that I was in fact wearing brand new shoes. Sans-socks. These shoes became my salvation.
The bottoms of my feet were only ever barely sore by the end of the day, and I never had an issue with blistering heels either. I like to wear mine zipped all the way to the top and they do not feel uncomfortable or tight around the ankle. I've never worn them with socks only because I fear the dreaded sock bunch under my heels as I can imagine my socks would slowly fall down my ankles the more I walk. But I have yet to find the need to. Admittedly your feet do get sweaty in them after many hours, especially when you're being active, but that is to be expected.

Unfortunately the shoes no longer come in the pattern I own, but they are still available in two different colors.

These shoes are the best buy we've made in a while, and cheekily, knowing that they are designer and we paid so little for them makes it all the sweeter! I seriously recommend these shoes, especially since they will look great with everything; pants, shorts, and skirts. This is my new ultimate way to not sacrifice fashion for comfort.

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